If you want to go camping, but you don’t own a camper, don’t own a vehicle big enough to pull a camper, don’t want to use all your gas pulling a camper, or just don’t want to deal with the bother and worry of towing a camper across the state, then perhaps we can help! We have 30 foot travel trailers with slide-
We deliver to all private property and public or private campgrounds in the following areas: Manistee, Wellston, Ludington, Pentwater, Hart, Silver Lake, Baldwin and Scottville.
You rent whatever campsite you wish. Call us and tell us when and where you want it. We then make sure when you arrive for your vacation, you find a clean camper, hooked up and ready for your relaxation. Then, when your vacation is over, you simply make sure the camper is as clean as it was when you arrived….then head on home. We will pick the camper back up and empty the waste tanks.
We are fully licensed and insured to deliver campers into all state campgrounds in the area we cover.